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A Cinematic Journey: Unveiling the Extraordinary Story of 'Kancha Sherpa'
A Cinematic Journey: Unveiling the Extraordinary Story of 'Kancha Sherpa'

Exploring the Triumphs and Tribulations of an Epic Independent Film Production 

This program takes you on a fascinating journey into the production of the film 'Kancha Sherpa.' Dive into the story of an extraordinary individual and discover the unique challenges encountered along the way. 

Throughout this program, you'll gain an exclusive insight into the film's ten-year journey, which took the film crew through the majestic mountains of the Himalayas. 
Explore how an independent film company, BPC-Media and 'I fokus,' supported this passionate project and made it possible to create an epic cinematic experience. 
Meet some of the key individuals behind the film, including director, producer, and DOP Morten Sangpo Borik, producer and cinematographer Nicolai Shou Larsen, screenwriter Bruno Jørgens, sound engineer Paul Schroeder, and composer Jørgen Lauritsen. 
Hear them share their experiences and involve you in the creative decisions made to bring Kancha Sherpa's incredible story to life.

Skillfully navigating through extreme weather conditions, cultural barriers, and language challenges, the film crew created this masterpiece. 

Through poignant interviews, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Kancha Sherpa's struggle and triumph, as well as the profound significance of the Sherpa people in mountain climbing. 

Take a seat and let yourself be enchanted by this captivating documentary about 'Kancha Sherpa.' Embark on a journey into the heart of an epic film production that has shaped destinies and inspired filmmakers. 
Welcome to an unforgettable film experience! 

Denne udsendelse tager dig med på en fascinerende rejse ind i produktionen af filmen 'Kancha Sherpa'. 
Dyk ned i historien om en bemærkelsesværdig person og opdag de unikke udfordringer, der blev mødt undervejs. 

I løbet af dette program får du et eksklusivt indblik i filmens ti års lange rejse, der tog holdet bag filmen gennem Himalayas majestætiske bjerge. 
Udforsk, hvordan et uafhængigt filmselskab, BPC-Media og 'I fokus', støttede dette passionerede projekt og gjorde det muligt at skabe en episk filmoplevelse. 
Mød nogle af de afgørende personer bag filmen, herunder instruktør, producer og DOP Morten Sangpo Borik, producer og filmfotograf Nicolai Shou Larsen, manuskriptforfatter Bruno Jørgens, lydtekniker Paul Schroeder og komponist Jørgen Lauritsen. 
Hør dem dele deres erfaringer og inddrage dig i de kreative beslutninger, der blev truffet for at bringe Kancha Sherpas utrolige historie til live. 
Dygtigt navigerede filmholdet gennem ekstreme vejrforhold, kulturelle barrierer og sproglige udfordringer for at skabe dette mesterværk. 
Gennem rørende interviews får du en dybere forståelse af Kancha Sherpas kamp og triumf samt den dybe betydning af Sherpa-folket i bjergbestigning. 

Tag plads og lad dig fortrylle af denne spændende dokumentar om 'Kancha Sherpa'. 
Gå på opdagelse i hjertet af en episk filmproduktion, der har formet skæbner og inspireret filmskabere. 
Velkommen til en uforglemmelig filmoplevelse!

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Kancha Sherpa
Kancha Sherpa
Duration: 1:30:00

Last of the first from the 1953 conquest of Mt Everest is thrilled to host the world premiere of the award-winning

documentary "Kancha Sherpa". 

 We are proud to showcase this inspiring film, which sheds light on the

Sherpa culture and their invaluable contributions to mountaineering,

while also highlighting the risk of cultural and linguistic loss. 

Join us for an unforgettable cinematic experience as we take you on a

journey from the bustling streets of Kathmandu to the breathtaking

beauty of Namche Bazaar, and explore the complex relationship between

tradition and modernity through the eyes of Kancha and his grandson


Don't miss the chance to witness this self-financed and independent

production, brought to you by BPC-Media in collaboration with I fokus. 

About the film: 
 In 1952, the 19-year-old Kancha ran away from his home in Namche, Nepal,

to seek work as a mountaineer in Darjeeling, India where he found work

with Tenzing Norgay. 

In 1953, he was chosen as one of the 103 Sherpas to

join the Sir Edmund Hillary-expedition to climb Mount Everest. 

This was the beginning of an exciting life as a guide for western

adventurous men and women whose goal was to conquer the rooftop of the


Despite the Sherpas' skills beyond the understanding of most,

they have received very little attention for their abilities. Without

them, it would be inconceivable for British mountaineers to have reached

the top of Mount Everest. 

Times have changed, and while Kancha has continued to live in accordance

with Sherpa culture, the younger generations are further removed from

old traditions. 

 The documentary explores Sherpa culture, language, and spirituality,

which are at risk of disappearing as the younger generation prefers to

speak Nepali and English. 

Kancha's devotion to Buddhism and his immense

love for all living beings and nature drive the story as he wishes for

his grandson, Tschering, to carry on the Sherpa tradition of spiritual

practices and mountaineering. However, Tschering is torn between old

Sherpa traditions and the new Western culture that is taking over

Kathmandu, where he leads a modern lifestyle. 

 The documentary takes us on a journey from the busy streets of Kathmandu

to the magnificent natural scenery of the village, Namche Bazaar, where

Kancha lives with his wife. 

 The contrast between the two worlds is evident, and the question is

whether Kancha can manage to pass on the old Sherpa traditions to

Tschering, who is tempted by what modern life has to offer. It's worth

noting that the film is a self-financed and independent production,

produced by BPC-Media in cooperation with i fokus. 

The film not only sheds light on Sherpa culture and their invaluable

contributions to mountaineering but also highlights the risk of cultural

and linguistic loss.

(Dansk) er begejstrede for at være vært for verdenspremieren på

den prisvindende dokumentarfilm "Kancha Sherpa". 

Vi er

stolte af at præsentere denne inspirerende film, der kaster lys over

Sherpa-kulturen og deres uvurderlige bidrag til bjergbestigning,

samtidig med at den fremhæver risikoen for kulturel og sproglig tab. 

Tag med os på en uforglemmelig filmoplevelse, hvor vi tager dig med

på en rejse fra de travle gader i Kathmandu til den betagende

skønhed i Namche Bazaar og udforsker det komplekse forhold mellem

tradition og modernitet gennem Kancha og hans barnebarn Tschering's


Gå ikke glip af chancen for at overvære denne

selvfinansierede og uafhængige produktion, præsenteret af BPC-Media

i samarbejde med I fokus.

Om filmen: 

I 1952 flygtede den 19-årige Kancha fra sit hjem i

Namche, Nepal, for at søge arbejde som bjergbestiger i Darjeeling,

Indien, hvor han fik arbejde hos Tenzing Norgay. 

I 1953 blev

han udvalgt som en af de 103 Sherpaer, der skulle deltage i Sir

Edmund Hillary-ekspeditionen for at bestige Mount Everest. 

Dette var

begyndelsen på et spændende liv som guide for vestlige

eventyrlystne mænd og kvinder, hvis mål var at erobre verdens tag. 

På trods af Sherpaernes færdigheder, der er uden for de flestes

forståelse, har de fået meget lidt opmærksomhed for deres evner. 

Uden dem ville det være utænkeligt for britiske bjergbestigere at

have nået toppen af Mount Everest. 

Tiderne har ændret sig, og

selvom Kancha har fortsat med at leve i overensstemmelse med

Sherpa-kulturen, er de yngre generationer længere væk fra de gamle


Dokumentaren udforsker Sherpa-kulturen, sprog og

åndelighed, der er i fare for at forsvinde, da den yngre generation

foretrækker at tale nepalesisk og engelsk. 

Kanchas hengivenhed til

buddhismen og hans store kærlighed til alle levende væsener og

naturen driver historien, da han ønsker, at hans barnebarn,

Tschering, skal fortsætte Sherpa-traditionen med åndelige

praksisser og bjergbestigning. Dog er Tschering splittet mellem gamle

Sherpa-traditioner og den nye vestlige kultur, der overtager

Kathmandu, hvor han fører en moderne livsstil. 

Dokumentaren tager os

med på en rejse fra de travle gader i Kathmandu til det fantastiske

naturlandskab i landsbyen Namche Bazaar, hvor Kancha bor sammen med

sin kone. 

Kontrasten mellem de to verdener er tydelig, og spørgsmålet

er, om Kancha kan formå at videregive de gamle Sherpa-traditioner

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